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Delfina Giannatasio

Delfina Giannattasio (1988) lives and works between London, Rome and Tuscany. She graduated in architecture from ENSAParis La Villette, and has studied painting, ceramics and photography since a very young age. She grew up in a family of Lanscape Designers amongst the dreamy greenery of their’s historical vivarium in the center of Rome. Free and curious soul, she has traveled to over 40 countries to study, research and work.

Through her artworks she explores abstract landscapes, in an attempt to eternalise instants of the natural world that is constantly in motion. Her sensitivity to the dimension of space stems from her early formation as an architect.

As an artist, she breaks the rules to transform the physical reality into an evocative and emotional one.

Some crucial aspects of her work are the study of light, color and space: The landscape becomes a pretext and gives to the eye the opportunity of becoming a filter, a threshold between the canvas and the soul.

Her approach to abstraction maintains a tension between the Real and the imagined, in a creative process that recalls the familiar and the known whilst embracing the occurrence of accidents and incidents. The materiality of her works–acrylic, natural pigments, sands and layers of gold, amongst others– signals a persistent reminder that the inner space within us must be in constant balance with the outer world. In her paintings, we can easily discern an obsession towards the passing of time, and the willingness to capture the moment within the movement, and the movement within the moment. The constant flux of atmospheric events can thus be related to the stream of thoughts, or the unraveling of dreams. Through her works, Giannattasio gifts us a dreamlike feeling of indefiniteness, that leaves viewers the freedom to see whatever they feel on the canvas. A feeling of illusion in which different points of view and different moments, offer a plethora of realities far more elaborate than those directly perceivable.

Her works are part of private collections in Europe, the UK and the United States.


2022 Room With a View – Contemporary Cluster – Cluster Apartamento, Rome

2022 Live Studio Visit interview – ArtTribune Openstudio – On Twitch

2022 “En Plein Air” traveling exhibition – IurisHub; Rome

2019 “En Plein Air” – Studio Giga; Rome

2019 “Perception, Light, Matter” – Design week 2019 – Milan

2023 MVM; Palazzo Odescalchi; Rome

2022 Together We Art – Palazzo Velli Expo; Rome

2022 Bagni Misteriosi; Contemporary Cluster – Ostia

2022 Premio Sulmona – Rassegna Internazionale d’arte Contemporanea – Polo Museale Civico Diocesano; Sulmona

2022 Scent of a Woman – SUarte Gallery; Rome

2021 Contemporanea Ventiventuno – Palazzo Ducale; Tagliacozzo

2020 “Shh, It’s a secret! ” – Postmasters; Rome

2019 “Arte in Studio” – ArteMea; Milan

2021 THE OTHER ART FAIR – London

2020 THE OTHER ART FAIR – Online Studios – London

2019 THE OTHER ART FAIR – London

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